Despite the snow still lingering, our minds are heading toward warmer times in the spring and summer as we kick off yet another season of outdoor events, festivals, and races. From 5K’s to marathons, volleyball tournaments to highland games, carnivals to arts and crafts fairs, Midwest summers have become synonymous with community activities and organized sports. It’s as American as baseball and Cracker Jacks, and it seems each year we begin preparations earlier that years past.
Saint Patrick’s Day Races
You can’t stumble through social media’s labyrinth of events without seeing an announcement or three for nearby communities hosting a Saint Patrick’s Day 5K. For most, this is less about the run and more about the community and activities that follow the event. With that in mind, to organize a running event where it’s more about what happens after the finish than the finish line standings, ample space and organization at the start/finish is key. Given this event will likely involve sponsorships from local breweries, alcohol consumption will likely be confined to a specific permitted area, and must be marked as such. We recommend crowd control barricades around the perimeter with a wide, but controllable entrance/exit to ensure event participants remain compliant with the municipality permit.
Sports Tournament Security
During summer months lakefront beaches and large parks become ground zero for a host of sporting event tournaments, from highland games to volleyball tournaments, to track and field. With event tickets becoming a priority source of revenue to host, ensuring only ticketed guests get into the event grounds, and if bag checks are in place, controlling entrance/exits is key. Panel fence in 6′ and 8′ heights can help reduce the number of party-crashers helping keep your paying guests safe and keeping your event profitable.
As you begin to plan your Spring, Summer and Fall events, consider partnering with us to help secure your grounds and provide dependable installation and tear-down service to keep your event load-in/out on schedule. We offer crowd control barricades, temporary panel fence, orange fence/tree protection, and colored windscreen (which can be ordered in a range of colors upon request)—the right mix of temporary fence products to help your event go off without a hitch. You can request a free quote online or by calling our office at (630) 543-7990.