Whether it’s your home or business, experiencing property damage as a result of storm damage can be overwhelming. From dealing with insurance companies to the endless door knocks of restoration companies clamoring to your business, it’s hard to know where to begin. You’re sure you have your insurance policy information filed away safely, but where?
Safety Is First. Always.
Depending on the amount of damage sustained, or if you’re unsure of the extent of damage, you may want to install a temporary fence around the affected area. If you notice sagging foundation or concrete, be mindful there might be erosion or washout below the surface and a sinkhole may be forming as water recedes.
Bring In Professionals.
Note that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company—not you. While they are there to help you, they are accountable to the insurance company, not you. You might find a discrepancy between the insurance company offer and what a reputable restoration contractor (or several) is telling you. A public adjuster can help sort it. By offering a trained 3rd-party perspective, they can help assess the value and work as the property owner’s advocate to receive a fair assessment.
Choose your restoration contractor wisely—you’ll have options; the phone will ring and there will be knocks at the door. Good restoration contractors will conduct their own, thorough assessment and will communicate with you, the public adjuster, and the insurance adjuster to provide an accurate quote.
Communicate Throughout The Project.
Most contractors will act as information hub and keep you abreast of project progress, but one area where you may have more pull than the contractor is dealing with the insurance claim. Keep the insurance adjuster and your agent’s contact information handy throughout. Know the funding schedule for the restoration project, and call ahead of each dispersement to be sure the funds are released to the contractor to avoid project delays.
While storm damage emergencies are never easy, keeping insurance and trusted contractor contact information handy can help ease the burden and accelerate the restoration timeline.